Criminal Justice Probation Officer Option


Courses you’ll take

Associate of Applied Science Degree

First Semester

View in catalog
Course Title Credit hours
COM1400 Oral Communication 3
CRJ1000 Introduction to Criminal Justice 3
ENG1000 English Composition I 3
FYE1000 Academic and Career Success 1
OIS1240 Computer Applications 3
NUR1150 CPR & First Aid 1
CJA0000 Law Enforcement Academy Elective 1
SOC2020 Ethnic and Cultural Diversity 3

Second Semester

Course Title Credit hours
CRJ1500 Criminology 3
CRJ1600 Introduction to Corrections 3
CRJ1751 Probation & Parole 3
PSY1100 Introduction to Psychology 3
MTH1240 Statistics 3

Third Semester

Course Title Credit hours
EXP2800 Career Readiness 1
CRJ1650 Gangs and Terrorism 3
CRJ2050 Criminal Investigations 3
CJA0000 Law Enforcement Academy Elective 1
CRJ2200 Drugs and Narcotics 3
SWA1000 Introduction to Addiction Studies 3
SWA1010 Introduction to Social Welfare 3

Fourth Semester

Course Title Credit hours
CIT1050 Cyber Crime for Law Enforcement 3
CRJ2110 Administrative Report Writing 3
EXP2900 Internship 1
CJA0000 Law Enforcement Academy Elective 1
MGT1400 Introduction to Management 3
PSY1200 Abnormal Psychology 3
SWA2650 Juvenile Delinquency 3

Total Credit Hours: 64