The Lead.
A local couple who have spent a lifetime serving the Marion community is giving back by creating a scholarship fund to help local students complete college degrees. The Dr. Bob and Chris Haas Scholarship Fund will award annual scholarships to students from Marion, Morrow or Wyandot Counties who are studying Information Technology, Health Information Technology, Radiography or Diagnostic Medical Sonography at Marion Technical College. Priority will be given to former Early College (College Credit Plus) students, who attended college in middle or high school.
“I see the success of early college students compared to those who don’t take college classes. I want to encourage those students,” Dr. Haas said. “Statistically, 70% of early college students complete degrees compared to 50% of other college students.”
Bob and Chris Comstock Haas graduated from River Valley High School in 1972. They attended Ohio Northern University. In February 1976, Bob earned a bachelor of arts degree in math education while Chris graduated with a degree in accounting. They married on their graduation day. Both were the first generation of their families to attend college.
Bob wanted to teach, but worked for his father’s electronic distribution business while he looked for a teaching job. Chris became an accountant. Bob enrolled in information technology classes at Marion Technical College to learn the COBOL computer language to help at the Mid-Ohio Electronics Distributorship. After his father died in 1978, Bob took over the family business. Bob also taught as an adjunct for MTC, teaching computer programming classes and business classes for Marion Tech at the main campus, Marion Correctional Center, and MTC’s Upper Sandusky extension center.
After a 25-year career in the electronics, computer, and Internet business, Haas joined Marion Tech as a full-time faculty member in 2001. He has held several positions at the college, including faculty, Assistant Dean of Business and IT, Interim Director of Marketing, Regional Career-Technical Assurance Guide (CTAG) coordinator for the Ohio Department of Higher Education, Dean of Institutional Effectiveness, Chief Strategy Officer, and most recently as the VP of Academic Affairs and Student Services. He is also a peer reviewer and mentor for the Higher Learning Commission.
“MTC is an important cog in the Marion Area’s education system. MTC has deep roots in the Marion area, and has served the local community by providing academic programs and workforce training to meet the needs of local employers. One of my sons earned a degree from MTC in Criminal Justice, returned to earn a degree in Information Technology, and is employed in the cyber security field; one of my daughters-in-law earned a degree from MTC in radiography and returned to earn a degree in Health Information Technology after working years in the Imaging Department at Marion General,” Bob said. “My wife, Chris, and I hope this scholarship fund will help defray the cost for students who want to earn a degree that provides a family-sustaining wage.”
The scholarship supports students in fields with bright futures. For example, radiologic technologists earn an average of $61,980 with an associate’s degree, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The average for a diagnostic medical sonographer with an associate degree is $77,740, according to the BLS.
The first scholarship from the new fund will be awarded in for a student in the fall of 2023 and will be awarded annually. The generous donation from the Haas family was matched with funds donated at the Marion Tech Golf Outing in May.
“We really value the generosity of Bob and Chris,” said Mike Stuckey, director of the Marion Tech Foundation. “They really believe in our students. Marion Tech is affordable, but scholarships like this make sure costs aren’t a barrier for someone to get ahead. A degree in an in-demand field can pay lifelong dividends.”
For more on the college’s scholarship funds, or to make a donation, go to